The Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook asks its members to share six sentence snippets from their work each weekend. Check out the group's Facebook page to read all the snippets and add lots of great books to your TBR. You'll find all sorts of books with the common thread that the main character identifies as LGBTQ.
Life got in the way and I missed a couple of weeks of posting Rainbow Snippets, but I'm starting up again and switching over to snippets from To Love the Dragon King, which came out one year ago this month.To Love the Dragon King is the first book of my Dragons of Ivria series (I promise I'm working on the second book and it will be out as soon as possible!). King Lysander has discovered a treasonous plot against his country and himself and, with the help of his most trusted confidantes, is trying to find all the conspirators before they can put more people in danger. Along the way, he meets Sascha, a beautiful man who is being used as a pawn in the plot against Ivria. Lysander is immediately attracted to him, but can he trust someone connected to traitors? This week's snippet follows directly after last week's.

He allowed himself be ushered into a small room off the entry, likely where unexpected guests were left to wait, with Kirill and Romilly and two soldiers at the door. He paced to one side of the small, sparely decorated room, then turned to pace back.
Kirill and Romilly remained standing. Neither would sit before he did. “Sit, both of you. Just because I don’t want to doesn’t mean you have to be uncomfortable.”
Romilly was the first to move. They glided over to one of the chairs and sat gracefully, then wrinkled their nose. “It’s probably more comfortable to stand, Your Majesty.”
Kirill only shook his head.