The Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook asks its members to share six sentence snippets from their work each weekend. Check out the group's Facebook page to read all the snippets and add lots of great books to your TBR. You'll find all sorts of books with the common thread that the main character identifies as LGBTQ.
To Love the Dragon King is the first book of my Dragons of Ivria series (I promise I'm working on the second book and it will be out as soon as possible!). King Lysander has discovered a treasonous plot against his country and himself and, with the help of his most trusted confidantes, is trying to find all the conspirators before they can put more people in danger. Along the way, he meets Sascha, a beautiful man who is being used as a pawn in the plot against Ivria. Lysander is immediately attracted to him, but can he trust someone connected to traitors? I've skipped ahead briefly in the scene I've been sharing snippets from to give you the first time Lysander sees Sascha.

Alan’s sharp knock sounded at the door before it opened. He stepped aside and ushered a younger man into the room.
And everything else faded away.
Objectively, Sascha—for this had to be Sascha—was beautiful. His hair was a rich, deep red and his skin a flawless ivory. Lysander couldn’t see much of his body because he was huddled in a white fur-trimmed cloak, but his face... His features were so perfect Lysander couldn’t believe it possible, and his large eyes were a blue that brought to mind the finest sapphires. Lysander’s first thought was that he wanted to shower Sascha in the gems. His second was that too much fear filled those eyes. Sascha held himself tensely as if he were poised to flee.
The realization acted as an icy douse of water, extinguishing the flame of his wayward desire.