The Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook asks its members to share six sentence snippets from their work each weekend. Check out the group's Facebook page to read all the snippets and add lots of great books to your TBR. You'll find all sorts of books with the common thread that the main character identifies as LGBTQ.
For December, I'm sharing snippets from The Merchant's Love. I haven't written a holiday romance (yet), but this one is as close I have. It's a cozy story of a bookish royal and a sweet merchant who become friends and fall in love over books and baked goods as fall turns to winter and the winter holiday arrives in Tournai. There's a bit of magic gone wrong too, but it's honestly a warm hug in book form. This snippet follows directly after last week's.

The cold outside was almost a relief after the close, hot confines of the theater. Maxen let go of his hand to put his arm around Faelen’s shoulders. Faelen could feel the heat of a blush even though he must have been flushed already, but he put his arm around Maxen’s waist, securing himself there as they began walking quickly down the street.
He took a deep breath when they were out of the crowd, drawing in the crisp, cold air. “If I didn’t know better, I would think it smelled like snow.”
“Does snow have a smell?”
“Yes. There’s a feel to it as well.” He wasn’t sure how to describe it, that quality of the air that signaled when it was on its way. He’d learned to recognize it in Teilo, to love the moment of breathless anticipation before and treasure the magical hush of it, newly fallen.