The Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook asks its members to share six sentence snippets from their work each weekend. Check out the group's Facebook page to read all the snippets and add lots of great books to your TBR. You'll find all sorts of books with the common thread that the main character identifies as LGBTQ.
This month, I'm sharing some snippets from The Envoy's Honor, which is a adversaries to lovers, dragon shifter romance that is part of the Chronicles of Tournai series, though it can be read as a stand alone. In The Envoy's Honor, a delegation from Ivria comes to Tournai afraid the secret of their existence and of the existence of dragons has been revealed by Corentin. Kirill is one of them and wants only to protect his home and people. Griffen's brother is going to marry Corentin, and Griffen wants only to protect his family, putting him in opposition to Kirill. The two circle around each other, attracted but unable to trust—until there is a murder and they have to rely on each other to solve it and save both their peoples. This snippet (which is longer than it should have been—sorry!) follows right after last week's.

“I am, thank you. They’re quite impressive.” His expression was guarded, but he seemed to settle into the social niceties easily enough. If he had some sort of diplomatic function for the king of Ivria or even just a prominent position at court, he’d have to be proficient though. Which brought up a question—what kind of diplomacy did Ivria do when no one outside knew of their existence?
“They are. But peaceful this time of morning.” There were always peaceful pockets of the gardens, really. On an average day, people—those who lived in the palace and those who came for meetings or visits—wandered through, but their presence never made the gardens feel crowded. The area was so large that even when there was some sort of party or entertainment outside, finding a quiet corner for whatever purpose the seeker had wasn’t usually difficult. Griffen had certainly looked for those corners for any number of reasons.
“I’d been thinking just the same. It seemed a good way to begin the day,” Kirill said. “Do you often stroll here in the morning?”
“I came to see the princes today. I’m just passing time until they’re available to speak with me.”
Kirill nodded. “I won’t keep you, then."
“You’re not. I have a few moments.” Griffen said it quickly, wanting to stop Kirill from leaving, even if he wasn’t exactly certain of why. Other than just wanting to stand here and look at Kirill, listen to him talk. Learn everything about him to see if his mind was as enthralling as his appearance, because Griffen hoped it was. But he shouldn’t be hoping or doing anything of the kind.