It's weekend, and time for more Rainbow Snippets! The Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook asks its members to share six sentence snippets from their work each weekend. Check out the group's Facebook page to read all the snippets and add lots of great books to your TBR. You'll find all sorts of books with the common thread that the main character identifies as LGBTQ.
I have another snippet from The Prince's Consort for you this weekend. The Prince's Consort, the story of a prince and the commoner who fall in love and fight to be together when some people will do anything—even resort to murder—to keep them apart, was my first published novel back in 2015. It was rereleased in March 2020 by NineStar Press, and I thought I'd celebrate it with a few snippets this month. For this last weekend in March, I'm sharing a little banter between Philip and Amory as they travel home from a trip.

“Maybe we should have taken the carriage,” he said.
Amory glanced at him, his expression quizzical. “I thought you wanted to take advantage of the sunshine. Aren’t you enjoying yourself?” “I am, but I realized we could be enjoying ourselves quite a bit more alone in the carriage.”
Amory stared at him and then laughed, even as a faint blush tinted his cheeks a rosier shade of pink. “You’re terrible.”
“You love it."