It's weekend, and time for more Rainbow Snippets! The Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook asks its members to share six sentence snippets from their work each weekend. Check out the group's Facebook page to read all the snippets and add lots of great books to your TBR. You'll find all sorts of books with the common thread that the main character identifies as LGBTQ+
I'm sharing a snippet from A Harmony of Fire and Earth today, the second book in my Elemental Magicae series. It continues the story of Edmund and Arden from A Dance of Water and Air and their quest to save two kingdoms. Edmund and Arden marry in A Harmony of Fire and Earth, but this book includes a new romance between Rhys, an Earth wielder who has been enamored of his friend Gaz for years, and Gaz, a reclusive Fire wielder with secrets that have kept him from acting on his own attractive to Rhys. Rhys and Gaz met long before the beginning of the book, but in this snippet, Rhys remembers their first meeting, prompted by his sister Briallen questioning him about whether he'll ever let Gaz know how he feels.

Briallen shook her head. “Are you ever going to say anything to him?”
“I say things to him all the time. Every time I see him, in fact.”
She narrowed her eyes. “You know what I mean.”
“I do. I’m just not sure why you’ve chosen to say it now.” He’d met Gaz for the first time four years ago and wanted him in his bed from the moment Gaz opened his cottage door. Rhys could still see him in that moment, a tall, lean man with light brown skin and wary dark eyes, wavy hair tipped in the fiery red signifying his Element and the glint of silver at his ears. But Rhys didn’t jump into bed with men he’d just met, and Gaz hadn’t indicated he’d want to anyway. Other feelings on Rhys’s part had followed over the years. He still wanted Gaz in bed, but he wanted so much more as well.
“Because it’s been years.” Briallen’s voice pulled him from the memory.