I can't believe it's this is the last snippet of the year (or perhaps the first of the new year depending on when you're reading this!). I decided to give you a little more of The Artist's Masquerade this week. This snippet is from a little later on the same night as last week's snippet, and things have progressed between Cathal and Flavian. You also should know that Flavian is disguised as a woman at this point as he tries to escape a very bad situation. Cathal has already found out the truth, but Flavian still has some doubts.

It was... odd. What Cathal’s mouth was doing to that spot on his neck sent shivery heat racing through his whole body and tore a moan from his throat that was almost embarrassingly wanton. But he was also being held firmly yet so carefully, Cathal’s arms curving around him in a way that was almost protective. He didn’t understand it. Cathal had thrown him against a wall moments ago, and now, he was... what?
“I’m not really a woman, you know,” he rasped out.
“For the last time, I’m quite aware of that.” Cathal’s voice was lower, rougher, enough to send another shiver through Flavian, and that was before he felt Cathal’s low chuckle rumbling through the places where they touched. “Come to bed, Flavian.”