This weekend, I felt like snippeting from The Merchant's Love. It's my warm-hug-in-book-form book, in which a bookish royal and the endearingly awkward merchant who is besotted with him fall for each other over books and baked goods. Which always seemed like a lovely way to fall in love to me. :-) In this snippet, Faelen, our bookish royal, has arrived unexpectedly at Maxen's house one evening. Maxen is more than happy to see him, even if Faelen wonders if he shouldn't have just appeared on his doorstep. (Faelen speaks first.)

"I was on my way here before I thought about it. Then I wondered if I’d be intruding...”
“I told you you’re not. You’re welcome any time. I always want to see you.”
Faelen laughed a bit. “I’m sure you’ll get tired of me sometime.”
He couldn’t make it the joke Faelen had prompted. “I can’t imagine that.”