The Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook asks its members to share six sentence snippets from their work each weekend. Check out the group's Facebook page to read all the snippets and add lots of great books to your TBR. You'll find all sorts of books with the common thread that the main character identifies as LGBTQ.
This month, I'm posting snippets from The Prince's Consort, my first published novel and the first book in my Chronicles of Tournai series. This is a prince/commoner romance with lots of magic, secrets, and intrigue. Amory is a commoner with a frankly horrible father, who tries to use him to bargain for more time on a late commission for the Crown Prince. Prince Philip has nothing but disgust for Amory's father but is intrigued by Amory. The two become closer but someone will do anything, even kill, to keep them apart. For this week's snippet, I'm sharing a first kiss.

The prince’s smile lit the room, like the sun appearing, and Amory reeled, dazzled just looking at him. When he stood and held out a hand, Amory didn’t hesitate to take it and let himself be drawn to his feet. They were close together, so close Amory could feel the heat of the prince’s body. The prince leaned down the few inches separating them and brushed his lips over Amory’s.
The kiss was light and quick, but utterly stunning. Amory knew his eyes were wide as he stared at the prince, his breath coming faster, a tingle of warmth shimmering over his entire body. All from one chaste kiss. He wondered what would happen when they really kissed.
The prince’s eyes were wide as well as he watched Amory. Had it felt the same to him? It had barely been a kiss, but it felt like a start. Maybe even a promise.