Today starts the New Jersey Romance Writers' writing challenge month, JeRoWriMo, in which participants have a goal of writing 30,000 words in the month of February. I'm excited for JeRoWriMo. I've participated the past few years, and I've always gotten a lot written. The writers who participate cheer each other's accomplishments and encourage each other every day. The group is a wonderful one each year.
This year, I'm shooting for more than 30,000 words. I've done it the last couple of years, but this year is a bit different, and I've had a difficult time getting my head in a place where I can write lately. I'm hoping that JeRoWriMo will help me. I know that the encouragement, accountability, and my own sense of competition always have in the past. I'm working on the fantasy romance I mentioned in my last update post, and I'm hoping to add a lot of words this words this month. I'll keep you updated on my progress. Here we go! 30K, write away!