I'm taking a little break from snippets of A Harmony of Fire and Earth this week. I've been working on another Chronicles of Tournai book (untitled of course, because titles and I do not get along), this one about Griffen who was the brother of Bastien, one of the main characters in The Dragon's Devotion. Which means I've spent some time looking back at that book lately, and I thought I'd share a snippet from it. Here's a conversation between Bastien and Griffen, in which Griffen tries to convince Bastien he doesn't have to be the protective older brother all the time. Bastien tends to take a lot on himself since their parents died years ago and left him with the title and three younger siblings to be responsible for.
Griffen tilted his head to the side and looked at him. For their whole lives, others had remarked that the resemblance between them was startling, but Bastien had never thought it strange to have a face so close to his own staring back at him. Generally Griffen’s expression was nothing like Bastien’s, but when Griffen looked worried or concerned, as he did now, his brow furrowed in the same way.
“You know you don’t have to take on everything. You don’t have to be here all the time. Ligeia was fine, visiting with the sisters of a duke and the prince’s consort. In any case, I was here.”
“But I didn’t know that, did I?” Bastien pointed out.
“Maybe not. But the point still stands. You need something in your life that isn’t looking after us.