It's weekend, and time for more Rainbow Snippets. The Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook asks its members to share six sentence snippets from their work each weekend. Check out the group's Facebook page to read all the snippets and add lots of great books to your TBR. You'll find all sorts of books with the common thread that the main character identifies as LGBTQ+.
I decided to share another snippet from The Merchant's Love this weekend. I haven't written a holiday book yet, but this one is set around the winter holidays in Tournai and it has the warm, cozy feeling that goes along with it. In this snippet, Faelen and Maxen are at the city's Midwinter festival, wandering the marketplace. (Note to explain a reference in the second part of the snippet: Faelen's cousin Philip is the Crown Prince, and he married his husband Amory a few years earlier at Midwinter, so their anniversary is also celebrated during the holiday.)

Jumelle’s marketplace always bustled and was filled with wares from seemingly everywhere in and outside of Tournai, but at Midwinter, even more goods crowded the stalls. Faelen had almost forgotten—the capital of Teilo didn’t have near as much diversity of goods and food. With some silent accord, he and Maxen decided to look at everything, and Faelen did share his food, holding out the little bag so they both could eat from it.
They looked at hats and gloves, at swords and knives, at leatherwork, at bound journals and stalls of secondhand books. After discovering little miniature portraits of Philip and Amory with the date of their wedding painted on them and then odd little dolls depicting the two men in their wedding finery, they made a game of seeing what other strange merchandise commemorating the anniversary they could find—and tried not to be too obvious in their laughter. Painted pottery, various embroidered items, toys, glassware. Faelen kept shaking his head as they saw ever more outlandish tributes.