I'm still kind of giddy that The Sorcerer's Guardian took runner up for Best Bisexual Fantasy Romance and was a finalist for Best Bisexual Book in the Rainbow Awards, so I decided to snippet from it this weekend. Here is a slightly random snippet for you. Savarin has performed some complicated that magic that almost completely drained him, and he's been unconscious for quite a while and then drifting in and out. This is what happens as he's finally waking up.

It occurred to him that he should be worried about having an unknown person near when he was unaware and vulnerable. But it took too much work to pull himself closer to wakefulness. When he finally managed it, though he wasn’t quite able to drag open his eyes, he shifted slightly on the... mattress—he must be in a bed? Wasn’t he in the woods?—and everything ached. He groaned.
Movement next to him, the creak of a chair, and then, “Savarin?”
The voice... he knew the voice, knew it well in all its permutations, or thought he had. There was a tightness to it now that was new. “Loriot.”