Today, I'm sharing a snippet from A Harmony of Fire and Earth. The main characters, Rhys and Gaz, have known each other for a few years at the beginning of the story...and Rhys has been pining a bit for Gaz for most of that time. Here's Rhys remembering the first time they met. (I went a little over the sentence limit, but I thought it was necessary. Sorry!)

Rhys had thought he was beautiful from the first moment they met. He and Briallen had been on the lands of a count not far from town so Briallen could do some work for him when she’d encountered something that called for the help of a Fire wielder. Someone had suggested Gaz, and since Rhys hadn’t been needed for anything else at the moment, he’d offered to fetch the man. He hadn’t expected to knock on the door of the modest cottage and nearly swallow his tongue when it opened to reveal Gaz.
Rhys didn’t remember exactly what he’d expected but, from the descriptions, some sort of older semi-recluse. Certainly not someone so young and striking. Rhys had managed to convey the reason for his arrival on Gaz’s doorstep articulately enough, and Gaz had gone with him, even if he’d been a bit taciturn as he did. Rhys had taken his manner in stride, and Gaz had been polite if not overly friendly. Gaz had taken care of the problem Briallen had discovered and worked with her to finish up. Rhys had been captivated by that too. He hadn’t seen many magic wielders who worked as effortlessly as Gaz did, obviously controlling a vast power. He hadn’t been tired when he finished; in fact, he’d looked exhilarated, and Rhys had been knocked back again at how alive and alight his face had been.
They said everything and everyone who came into contact with Fire came out of it changed. Rhys could attest to that.