I said last time that I thought I might switch to something other than The Scholar's Heart this week, and then I ended up picking another snippet from The Scholar's Heart. Apparently I'm a bit indecisive. This snippet takes place not long after last week's on the same night.

Etan took one last look out to the garden and then followed the last few stragglers toward the doors. Before Etan reached them, Tristan stretched out a hand and snagged Etan’s arm, using it to pull Etan into the shadows and push him against the wall, the way Etan had Tristan that day in the secret corridor, a memory that still delighted Tristan. He swallowed Etan’s surprised gasp in a kiss.
Tristan poured everything he had into the kiss, everything he’d felt over these last few weeks. His frustration and confusion, his attraction and longing for more after the taste he’d had of being with Etan. He willed Etan to feel all of it in the kiss.