This week's snippet comes from The Prince's Consort. Completely unintentionally, my first published book was left for last as I worked my way through first kisses in my books (and now that I'm done snippeting first kisses, I have to figure out what to snippet next. I might need a new theme!). In The Prince's Consort, Amory is the son of a merchant and Philip the Crown Prince. They meet when Amory's horrible father tries to barter Amory for extra time to complete a commission for the prince. Even though they're both disgusted by Amory's fathers proposition, Philip and Amory are attracted to each other as well. Here's their first kiss.

The prince’s smile lit the room, like the sun appearing, and Amory was dazzled looking at him. When he stood and held out a hand, Amory didn’t hesitate to take it and let the prince draw him to his feet. They were close together, so close Amory could feel the heat of the prince’s body. The prince leaned down the few inches separating them and brushed his lips over Amory’s.
The kiss was light and quick, but utterly stunning. Amory knew his eyes were wide as he stared at the prince, his breath coming faster, a tingle of warmth shimmering over his entire body. All from one chaste kiss. He wondered what would happen when they really kissed.
The prince’s eyes were wide as well as he watched Amory. Had it felt the same to him? It had barely been a kiss, but it felt like a start. Maybe even a promise.