I have more from The Merchant's Love for you today. Last week was a snippet with Maxen and his best friend, and this week, I have a snippet with Faelen and his twin brother, Alexander. At this point, Faelen and Maxen haven't seen each other since the night they met and spent so long talking.
Faelen broke the seal on the letter and unfolded it, smoothing out the paper. The same neat handwriting covered the page. He skipped down to the signature first and felt a zing of surprise.
“Who is it from?”
“Maxen.” Faelen blinked at the name scrawled at the bottom of the page, the signature so different from the careful hand the rest had been written in. He looked up at Alexander. “You know, Tristan’s brother.”
“Your admirer from the wedding.”
“Not my admirer.”
Alexander rolled his eyes. “Fine. The man you spent so long conversing with at the wedding. Is that better?”
“Much, thank you.” Faelen forced back a roll of his own eyes.