It's weekend, and time for more Rainbow Snippets. The Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook asks its members to share six sentence snippets from their work each weekend. Check out the group's Facebook page to read all the snippets and add lots of great books to your TBR. You'll find all sorts of books with the common thread that the main character identifies as LGBTQ+
I'm sharing a snippet from The Prince's Consort again today. In this snippet, Philip sees Amory for the first time. He's meeting with Arnau and Alban, Amory's (horrible) father and brother, as he has many times before, but this is the first time they've brought Amory with them (and of course, there's a reason for that...). I've gone a little over six sentences, but I thought it was necessary this time.

His gaze slid over Arnau and Alban. They’d met with him more than once in the past, but the man with them was a stranger. He looked young, younger even than Philip, and--
Philip’s mouth dried, his breath caught in his throat, and he stared. At the curling auburn hair and the slender, lithe body dressed in well-cut, well-made clothes. At the rich brown eyes staring back at him. They went almost comically wide and startled, but the young man didn’t look away, and Philip couldn’t bring himself to either. A delightful blush stained the stranger’s cheeks, and Philip wanted to grin. Who was this man?