Last week, my snippet was of Bastien and Corentin's first kiss in The Dragon's Devotion, and first kisses are so much fun that I decided to snippet first kisses from some of my other books. Today's is Faelen and Maxen in The Merchant's Love. (I went a little over six sentences—sorry! I thought it was necessary for this one.)

Faelen just looked at him for a couple of moments and then took a breath. “I want to kiss you.”
Maxen froze. He wasn’t even sure he breathed for a moment. Had he heard what he thought he had? Had Faelen said...? He stared at Faelen, who looked as surprised as Maxen felt and just a bit dismayed. That was enough to help Maxen shake off his paralysis. “Faelen?”
“I probably shouldn’t have said that.”
“But you meant it?”
“Yes.” It was a breath of sound, which became stronger. “Yes.”
Maxen watched him for another moment. “Then you should do it.”
Faelen drew in a sharp breath. “Maxen?”
“If you want to, you should kiss me.”
Faelen was utterly still as they stood in silence. Then he moved, slowly coming closer to Maxen. He reached out almost carefully and rested his hands on Maxen’s shoulders lightly and then more firmly. His hesitance did something to Maxen, a swirl of emotions he couldn’t quite put name to, except for the sudden need to protect, but he stayed still, letting Faelen do as he would. Finally, Faelen stretched up and brushed his lips lightly over Maxen’s.