This week's snippet is from The Sorcerer's Guardian. Loriot and Savarin were caught out in a horrible storm and arrived at the inn to find there's only one room available, so they're going to have to share. We're in Loriot's point of view here.

His skin was damp and clammy, and he shivered even though the room was warm. Grabbing the towel from the corner of the screen, he dried himself off. More noise came from the other side of the screen, water being poured into water.
“The tub is full for you, Loriot,” Savarin called.
“Thank you.” He wrapped the towel around his waist and gathered his wet clothes from the floor, now puddled with water. When he came out from behind the screen, he found Savarin in the bath, his knees sticking out of the water because his legs were far too long for the tub. It would have been funny seeing the elegant sorcerer scrunched up in the too-small tub if it wasn’t for Loriot’s uncomfortable awareness of Savarin being naked.