I thought I'd share a snippet from The Sorcerer's Guardian today. It will be a year on Tuesday that this book came out, and since then, it's received an Honorable Mention in the Rainbow Awards. Loriot and Savarin have been sent out on a mission for the prince and have been clashing with each other the whole journey so far. So they obviously need to be thrown together even more, right? (I went over six sentences with this one—sorry!—but I thought it was necessary.)

“Good evening,” Loriot replied. “We need two bedchambers for the night—well, likely more than one night, if the storms continue as they’re supposed to.”
“Ah, well,” the innkeeper said, “as you can hear, the inn is quite full.”
Savarin straightened further. Loriot could feel the tension in his muscles just standing next to him. But Loriot wanted to slump to the floor.
“Are you saying you don’t have chambers for us?” Savarin said.
“No, no. Not exactly.” The man stuttered over the words, and Loriot wondered if they were really that intimidating. He didn’t feel intimidating dripping water all over the stone floor.
“What do you mean, then?” Savarin prompted, and Loriot had to concede that however Savarin looked, his tone remained intimidating.
“I’m sorry, sir. I meant that I don’t have two chambers for you, but if you would be willing to share, I do have one left vacant.”