October 16th is the one year anniversary of the publication of The Prince's Consort, my first book. I can't believe it's been a year already since the book release and I became a published author. It seems appropriate to share a snippet of The Prince's Consort this weekend. How about a (slightly too long! sorry!) snippet of Amory's first sight of Philip?

He had only ever seen Crown Prince Philip Alexander Stefan Mael at a distance. The representations of him, the drawings, his face on the coins, didn’t come close to showing how handsome the prince was. Tall, broad shouldered, and narrow hipped, the prince was well built, his physique obvious in his well-tailored clothes. His dark hair was perhaps slightly too long for fashion, but somehow that endeared him to Amory. The prince was only a couple of years older than Amory, but he looked more mature than that, probably owing to his ascension to the throne at such a young age. Amory let his gaze roam over the prince’s form while the man’s attention was on his father and Alban.
Then, with a shock that took his breath, he found his gaze caught by the prince’s. Embarrassment at being caught staring spread heat over his face, but he couldn’t look away. Those eyes drew him in, staring into his as if they were trying to discern everything about him. Outlined in a thick fringe of lashes, the mix of green, amber, and gold all swirled together reminded him of cat’s eyes. He supposed he was romanticizing plain hazel. Still, they captivated him, and it was a blow when the prince finally looked away.