Today's snippet is from The Dragon's Devotion again and follows not long after last week's. Bastien agreed to go to the theater with Corentin, and they're watching the play from a private box. (I really went over the sentence limit this week. I'm sorry! I'll get back to six sentences next time. Promise.)

With a small smile, he waited a few moments as they watched the actors on stage and then began to play with Bastien’s fingers—running his fingers over each of them, drawing slow patterns on the back of his hand, caressing his palm with deliberate provocativeness. Neither of them looked away from the stage below, but Bastien’s breathing sped up. Corentin loved that small indication of Bastien’s interest, that he wasn’t indifferent to his attention.
Everything blurred except the warmth of Bastien’s hand in his, Bastien’s presence at his side as he kept up his slow exploration of Bastien’s hand.
They were still sitting that way when the play ended and applause exploded from the audience, swelling to an almost deafening sound. Corentin jumped; Bastien did as well, and they looked at each other and laughed. Corentin reluctantly released Bastien’s hand so they could add their appreciation to that of the rest of the audience. His only consolation was that Bastien seemed disappointed, perhaps as disappointed as Corentin.
As the curtains closed on the stage and the theater brightened, Bastien leaned over, closing the distance between them. He whispered, “I shouldn’t admit this, but I have no idea how that ended. Do you?”
Corentin laughed. “I like that you admitted it. And I have no idea either.”
Bastien huffed out a laugh. He looked out over the theater as people began to move around again and shot Corentin a quick glance out of the corner of his eye. “We may have to see it again.”
“Perhaps we will.” Corentin paused for a moment. “I can’t promise that the same won’t happen again.”
“I would be very disappointed if you did.”