This weekend I have a snippet from The Artist's Masquerade for you. I'm continuing my random theme, and pulling snippets from a random page in each book. Here's a bit from page 145, which is the morning after Cathal and Flavian spend their first night together.
He had to fight back a smile when Flavian blinked his way to awareness, big, cerulean eyes hazy and confused, hair tousled. Memories of what happened and where he was began to seep in, Cathal saw it happen, and those eyes flew open as Flavian sat bolt upright, nearly whacking Cathal in the head as he did.
Cathal did laugh then, but it was a soft chuckle, and even he could hear the affection in it, which scared him more than a little. But he wanted Flavian to see that even less than he wanted Flavian to see the affection itself. He leaned forward and kissed Flavian quickly. “Come on. Let’s get you dressed.”