The Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook asks its members to share six sentence snippets from their work each weekend. Check out the group's Facebook page to read all the snippets and add lots of great books to your TBR. You'll find all sorts of books with the common thread that the main character identifies as LGBTQ.
I'm currently sharing snippets from To Love the Dragon King, which will be published August 21st and is currently available for preorder. To Love the Dragon King is the first book in a new series, the Dragons of Ivria, which I believe will be a trilogy. In this book, dragon shifter Lysander, the king of Ivria, has come into the knowledge of a treasonous plot against him and the kingdom and has set out to discover the extent of it and its participants. When he arrives to arrest one of the conspirators, he finds Sascha. Sascha was not born with the magic to allow him to transform into a dragon, and therefore, to his (horrible) parents, his only purpose is to enter into a marriage or a contract as a concubine that will benefit his family. To that end, they've contracted him to Jannik, the man Lysander is about to arrest. Sascha has no knowledge of the plot, or that he's being used in it, or that he's about to be caught up in the orbit of the king and the scheming and danger that revolves around him. This snippet follows directly from last week's.

Inside his head, he was screaming, wailing questions about what his parents knew. Surely they would’ve looked into anyone making an offer for one of them? Surely they would’ve cared? What could they have gotten out of this arrangement that was important enough to put Sascha through this? It couldn’t have only been the money, could it? What did Lord Jannik have to offer that was so important?
The quiet voice startled Sascha so much he jumped again, but he didn’t have the capacity for more embarrassment. His vision refused to focus, spinning and twisting and blurring, but, as best he could, he brought his attention to the young maid in front of him.