The Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook asks its members to share six sentence snippets from their work each weekend. Check out the group's Facebook page to read all the snippets and add lots of great books to your TBR. You'll find all sorts of books with the common thread that the main character identifies as LGBTQ.
This month, I'm sharing snippets from The Merchant's Love, my super cozy fall/winter fantasy romance in which a bookish royal and a merchant fall in love over books and baked goods (and there's a bit of magic gone wrong too). This week I'm sharing a snippet (that's a bit long—sorry!) if Faelen, Maxen, and their friends enjoying the city's Midwinter Festival.

“I’m sorry,” Faelen whispered. “I hate that I’m so short sometimes.”
“I think you’re perfect just as you are, Fae.” The words were perhaps too personal for the middle of a crowded public square, but they were just there, on Maxen’s tongue, and he had to say them, had to let Faelen know some small bit of what he was only beginning to understand. He loved the feel of Faelen against him, loved that Faelen’s head could rest just so against his shoulder.
Faelen didn’t say anything back, but before Maxen could regret letting those words out, Faelen snuggled in a little closer, not just using Maxen for balance now. He slid an arm around Faelen’s slender waist and urged him even closer. The crowd was thick enough no one would notice, except perhaps Alexander, but Maxen found he wasn’t particularly worried about what anyone thought.
The performers on stage changed—from acrobats to players doing skits to more singers—but their group kept their spot in the square. Maxen made a visit to the foodseller’s carts again, this time with Faelen, to fetch food for the five of them, which they shared while evening fell and a sorcerer conjured illusions on the stage.
As if at some unspoken signal, Meriall and Adora began talking about returning home. Maxen wasn’t opposed to the idea, though the bonfire hadn’t been lit yet. He might have enjoyed dancing with Faelen, but he didn’t mind leaving, especially if Faelen was going with him.