It's weekend, and time for more Rainbow Snippets! The Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook asks its members to share six sentence snippets from their work each weekend. Check out the group's Facebook page to read all the snippets and add lots of great books to your TBR. You'll find all sorts of books with the common thread that the main character identifies as LGBTQ.
I decided to share a few snippets from The Merchant's Love this month because it has an anniversary coming up in a couple of weeks. I always call this book a warm hug in book form because that's how it's always felt to me (and what I needed when I was writing it). It's the story of Faelen, a demisexual bookish royal, falling in love over books and baked goods with Maxen, a bisexual merchant who is utterly besotted with him from the start. There's also some family drama and a bit of magic gone wrong. In this snippet, Faelen and his twin Alexander are at their cousin Etan's wedding to Tristan. Tristan's brother has been spending a lot of time looking at Faelen, and Alexander noticed. (I'm sorry this is a bit long!)

“He couldn’t be taken with me since he hasn’t met me.” He and Alexander garnered their share of attention, and Faelen supposed it was flattering. He just never knew what to do with it, had never felt quite comfortable, especially if attention turned into something with more intent behind it.
Alexander rolled his eyes. “Fine, fine. He’s taken with the look of you. He’s certainly handsome himself. Did you see?”
He deemed it safer to ignore most of what Alexander said. “Then he’s taken with the look of you as well. Are you sure he wasn’t looking at you?”
“No, dear, he was very much looking at you.” Alexander covertly glanced around the ballroom as they walked inside. “He’s there. Talking with Tristan and Etan.”
Alexander hadn’t needed to point Maxen out. Faelen had seen him during the ceremony, and, objectively speaking, Alexander was correct— Maxen was a handsome man. His shining blond hair gleamed like antique gold, and he shared his older brother’s vivid blue eyes. Faelen glanced at him anyway, cataloguing those characteristics once more, taking in the brilliant smile and the crinkle at the corner of his eyes while he laughed at something Tristan said. Etan and Tristan held hands and seemed to be drawn toward each other by some invisible force, but Maxen didn’t look as if he felt like the odd one out. He just looked happy.
Faelen looked away before Maxen caught him staring.