It's weekend, and time for more Rainbow Snippets. The Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook asks its members to share six sentence snippets from their work each weekend. Check out the group's Facebook page to read all the snippets and add lots of great books to your TBR. You'll find all sorts of books with the common thread that the main character identifies as LGBTQ+
I have another snippet from The Artist's Masquerade for you this weekend (I may switch over to The Scholar's Heart soon, though, because it will be rereleased next month!), but I've skipped ahead a bit again, this time to Cathal and Flavian's first kiss. It's a little over six sentences, but they're not very long sentences, so maybe it's okay...?

Flavian froze, his mind going utterly blank the instant Cathal’s lips touched his.
Because Cathal was kissing him.
Cathal was kissing him. Flavian never, ever, expected it to happen, or for it to be like this. A passionate, uninhibited kiss with Cathal’s firm body pressing against his, pushing him into the unyielding surface of the door. Who would have thought a man like Cathal would kiss like this? And for an instant Flavian drowned in it—the feel of Cathal’s smooth lips on his, the firm grip of his hands on Flavian’s waist--as Cathal devoured him.
But then reality came back in a flood. “We can’t do this.”