The Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook asks its members to share six sentence snippets from their work each weekend. Check out the group's Facebook page to read all the snippets and add lots of great books to your TBR. You'll find all sorts of books with the common thread that the main character identifies as LGBTQ.
This month, I'm posting snippets from The Prince's Consort, my first published novel and the first book in my Chronicles of Tournai series. This is a prince/commoner romance with lots of magic, secrets, and intrigue. Amory is a commoner with a frankly horrible father, who tries to use him to bargain for more time on a late commission for the Crown Prince. Prince Philip has nothing but disgust for Amory's father but is intrigued by Amory. The two become closer but someone will do anything, even kill, to keep them apart. I've skipped ahead a bit for this snippet. Amory and Philip and now married and on their way back from their short wedding trip. But someone is not happy that they're married.

Amory glanced at him, his expression quizzical. “I thought you wanted to take advantage of the sunshine. Aren’t you enjoying yourself?” “I am, but I realized we could be enjoying ourselves quite a bit more alone in the carriage.”
Amory stared at him and then laughed, even as a faint blush tinted his cheeks a rosier shade of pink. “You’re terrible.”
“You love it. And this is our wedding trip, for a while longer anyway. We should make the most of it.” He let his smile become wicked and winked at Amory.
Amory shook his head fondly. “I think that’s what we’ve been doing since our wedding night, but I suppose we could slow down and wait for the carriage. We didn’t pass it very long ago. There might be enough time to—”
Amory broke off with a shout and a jerk of his shoulder.
“Amory? What—”
Star made a high sound that could only have been caused by pain and reared, dumping Amory, who had been struggling one-handed with the reins, onto the road. Fear coursed through Philip, turning his insides to ice, when Amory fell from his horse--that was before the arrow hit the road next to Amory.
You can find out more about The Prince's Consort here. Thanks for reading today!