It's weekend, and time for more Rainbow Snippets! The Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook asks its members to share six sentence snippets from their work each weekend. Check out the group's Facebook page to read all the snippets and add lots of great books to your TBR. You'll find all sorts of books with the common thread that the main character identifies as LGBTQ+
For today's snippet, I'm sharing more from The Envoy's Honor, the next book in my Chronicles of Tournai series, which will be out November 9th (and check out that gorgeous cover by the amazing Natasha Snow!). The Envoy's Honor is an adversaries to lovers romance between two men whose devotion to family and country is putting them on opposites sides of a dispute that it will take careful diplomacy to get them out of. Unwitting attraction complicates matters, of course, and just when they might be getting closer, someone is murdered. But at least they know neither of them could've done it since they the time. And there are more dragon shifters in this one! This week's snippet follows directly after last week's, as things begin to fall apart.

A sharp rap on the door saved him from having to convince Tristan and Alexander. Before anyone could move to answer the door, it flew open, and Ligeia tumbled into the room.
Surprise froze Griffen for an instant. His sister had elected to stay home that evening—though Philip and Amory would’ve been happy to have her join them if she wanted--with Patia and Idalia, two of the cousins who’d become Bastien’s wards several months ago. She shouldn’t have been at the palace, certainly not looking wild-eyed and near panic with her light-brown hair escaping its pins and her dress one she never left the house in.
He broke his paralysis and spoke at the same time Bastien did. “Ligeia?”
“What happened?” Bastien continued. “Are you all right?”