The Merchant's Love is out in the world today, available from all retailers. I'm so excited for you to have this book, and nervous too. I'm going to go hide by working on edits for Dance in a bit, I think (though I really have to finish those edits, so it does serve a purpose other than hiding, really). When I wrote The Merchant's Love last year, I wrote the book I needed. It's a warm, romantic story and a sweet, lovely romance. I wanted to wrap Faelen and Maxen up in a big hug, and maybe I wanted this book to be one for you too.
Faelen is my first published demisexual main character, which is big and important for me too. This book and Dance, which will be out in October, are the first books I wrote with demisexual characters, the first books with characters sharing that part of my identity. A lot of me and my experience went into Faelen (maybe more than I meant, since he also shares my sweet tooth and love of books, among other things). Writing them was more nerve-wracking than I expected, but I'm sure these characters won't be the last demisexual characters I write (actually, I absolutely know that since I'm in the early stages of planning something). We need more demisexual characters.
I hope you enjoy The Merchant's Love, Faelen and Maxen's relationship, and their relationships with their family, both blood family and found. If you've read other Tournai books, you'll see some familiar faces, and if not, you can jump in right here and always catch up on others later. All the Tournai books stand alone. If you leave a review after you read, you have my profound gratitude and appreciation, but please don't feel any obligation. I only hope The Merchant's Love brings you a little joy, especially with the world feeling rather grim.
About The Merchant's Love:

Maxen, second son of a wealthy merchant family, longs to leave Tournai and visit everywhere he can. All his life, he’s found places on maps and dreamed, planning out routes to get to them. For now, he’s tied to Tournai’s capital city by family obligations and his position in their shipping business. Someday, though, he’ll be able to travel. His sudden attraction to Faelen shocks him, but their friendship soon becomes a necessary part of his life. Love, however, has no place in his plans, especially not love for a royal cousin with secrets who wants nothing more than to stay in one place.
For Faelen and Maxen to build something real between them, they must resolve their differences, but when magic goes awry and all Faelen’s secrets are revealed, will Maxen remain at his side?
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