Last month, I wrote about requesting my rights to the first four Chronicles of Tournai books back from Dreamspinner (you can find the blog post here). It was a difficult decision, but I believe it was the right one for me. As of October 1st, I have the rights back to The Prince's Consort, The Artist's Masquerade, The Scholar's Heart, and The Sorcerer's Guardian. They are no longer being sold on DSP's website and are coming down from other retailers' sites as well. All four books will be rereleased, but I don't have a timetable for you yet. As soon as I know, I'll let you know.
But I do have a bunch of each of the books in paperback, and I'm going to sell them for $7 per book plus shipping. Within the US, shipping is probably a few dollars a book; internationally, it will be more, though I don't know exactly how much. I'll probably have to invoice you after I've mailed the books so I can include the exact shipping cost. If you'd like to add paperbacks with the original cover art to your shelf (at a steep discount), this is your chance. (When the books are released, they'll have new covers. I wasn't able to get the rights to the original covers, and while I'm sad I won't have Anne Cain's lovely art on the covers any longer, I'm excited too to have covers that will match those of the newer books in the series.) If you'd like the books signed and personalized, I'm happy to do that, and I'll throw in some bookmarks and other goodies with them too. To order, fill out the form here, and I'll get the books shipped out to you as soon as possible. Obviously, I can't get any more copies, so once these are gone, that's it. Don't miss out if you want them!