I'm also working on the next Tournai book. Writing has been a bit slower than I wanted, but I'm continuing to push. I should hit 30k in the next day or so, and hopefully I'll pick up some momentum from there and get myself back on track. I never end up writing in order, and I've started jumping around on this one too, writing scenes that I see clearly and getting to know my character better...and seeing where they want to take me!
In other news, you can still register to attend the New Jersey Romance Writers Hearts & Sparks reader/blogger appreciation brunch. Have lunch with me and lots of other area authors. Find more information here.
Finally, I'm attending the RWA National Conference in Orlando next week (and road tripping down to Florida for it!). I won't be signing, but if you're there, please say hello. I would love to see you. I'll try to post lots of pictures on social media too.