In other writing news, The Artist's Masquerade, book 2 in the Chronicles of Tournai series, is in the proofing stages and will likely be out in December. I've seen a rough sketch of the cover design, and it's gorgeous. I love how Anne Cain has drawn Cathal and Flavian. I'm eagerly anticipating the finished cover. Hopefully I'll have more updates and a cover reveal for you soon. I've also submitted book 3 of the series, Etan and Tristan's book, to Dreamspinner. It's tentatively titled The Scholar's Heart.
I took a couple of days off writing after I submitted book 3. I needed a little break (when did it get to be late October?), and my house was in dire need of a cleaning! I attended the NJ Romance Writers conference, which was great as usual, last weekend. Interesting workshops and time spent with writer friends. I posted some updates and photos from the conference on Facebook and twitter while I was there. Now, with a cleaner house and a clearer head, I'm getting started on book 4 in the Tournai series. No title yet because I'm horrible at coming up with titles!
What have you been up to?