With Dance #2 turned in, I've started on Tournai 7, which is Alexander and Marcus's story (in a brand new, pretty notebook, of course). This is an age gap, opposites attract romance with lots of spies and intrigue, or it will be, since I'm at the very beginning with not much to show for it. I'm looking forward to where these characters will lead me, and it's fun to be writing Tournai again.
Speaking of Tournai, Tournai 6 had a title: The Merchant's Love. I've also seen a draft cover, which is beautiful. Natasha Snow did amazing work again, and I can't wait to share it with you! The Merchant's Love will be out on June 18th (only a little over a month! how did that happen?) from NineStar, so watch for more about it and pre-order links soon.
I've added a coming soon/in progress section to the website to let you know what I'm working on. I'll try to keep current between these update posts, so you can check there to see what's going on with various projects.
Finally, my Dreamspinner titles are currently 35% off at DSP. If you haven't read the early Tournai books, it's a great time to check them out.